Sims may own a single (non-hacked) book for use by the entire family. Only one sim may be employed at any time. +1 for trashed aesthetics, arbitrarily awarded by me. 1 for each aspiration failure (when the shrink comes) 20 for each child taken by the social worker 4 points for each child that doesn't reach the age of teen-you lose those child points from raising them if they die or move out. 1 for each accidental promotion, including chance card promotion 4 for accidental deaths (by fire, disease, lightning, etc.)

+10 points for each sim that maxes out all skills +1 for every thousand simoleans of the family net worth The challenge ends when the youngest child of your first (CAS) sim becomes a teen. The challenge begins here: survive and thrive as best you can. STEP FOUR: Check- are you down to 100 smackers? Okay.Nightlife+ users can use the FamilyFunds cheat to reduce the net worth from the get-go. Spend all of your money on terrain smoothing/groundcovers/tile method until you only have 100 simoleans left. STEP THREE: Move the sim onto the 2x1 mini lot.STEP TWO: Create a CAS Sim to be the founder of your impoverished family.It is confirmed to be safe as any other sized lot. STEP ONE: Download and install the 2x1 mini lot from MTS2.Can your family prosper? The Poverty Challenge: Ghetto Superstar! Then a dead-end job and a horde of screaming children in a tiny, condemned shack-never enough space or money for beds or birth control or food and toys for the kids and nothing left for education, so you learn to do without and manage the chaos. You start out on your ass, homeless and trying to stay alive and out of the cold.